Cable trunking with white cover Ral 9010/16
White cable truncking ral 9010/16
Adhesive cable trunking with white cover ral 9010/16
Grey slotted cable trunking 4/6/4 with cover
Frame trunking and and white accessories ral 9010/16
Floor trunking and grey accessories
Pliable protective conduit
Heavy rigid conduit
Pvc flexible spiral conduit
Standard couplings IP40 CEI
Normal bends 90° IP40
Watertight couplings IP65
Watertight bends IP65
Watertight box / tube couplings IP65
Conduit / box couplings IP65 metric 1,5
Conduit / box couplings IP65 pg
Tube / conduit couplings IP65 ?reduced?
Tube / conduit couplings IP65 ?same diameter?
Tube / conduit couplings IP65 ?simplified?
Tube / conduit couplings IP65 simplified same diameter
Anti-tear cable glands IP68 pg type
High résistance nuts pg type
Anti-tear cable glands IP68 metric type
High résistance nuts metric type